The XML ValidatorBuddy software package also includes a command line tool. The name of the executable is “valbuddy.exe” and the tool is also located in the standard installation folder of XML ValidatorBuddy.
This command-line tool also supports sign and verify operations for multiple XML documents as a batch task. A sample settings XML to run a sign task would be:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <batch_settings> <batch_units> <log_document path="D:\Documents\xml\sign_sampleprojects_log.xml"/> <options notify_finish="false" omit_results="false" omit_time="false" run_as_test="false" save_logdoc="true" timeout="-1" use_xmldate_format="true"/> <batch_unit output_folder="D:\Documents\xml\Sample Projects signed" overwrite="true" type="dsigsign"> <folder_settings folder="D:\Documents\xml\Sample Projects" subfolders="true"/> <file_extensions> <extension>xml</extension> </file_extensions> <parameters add_keyinfo="true" add_keyname="false" add_x509data="true" canonicalization="" certificate_name="xmlbuddy" digest="" hash="" output_postfix="_signed" sign="all" signature_type="enveloped"> <transformations/> </parameters> </batch_unit> </batch_units> </batch_settings>
During the batch task a log document is created at D:\Documents\xml\sign_sampleprojects_log.xml. This log contains the results for all documents from the source folder.
And to run a verify operation on a complete folder the configuration XML would look like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <batch_settings> <batch_units> <log_document path="D:\Documents\xml\verify_sampleprojects_log.xml"/> <options notify_finish="false" omit_results="false" omit_time="false" run_as_test="false" save_logdoc="true" timeout="-1" use_xmldate_format="true"/> <batch_unit type="dsigverify"> <folder_settings folder="D:\Documents\xml\Sample Projects signed" subfolders="true"/> <file_extensions> <extension>xml</extension> </file_extensions> <parameters certificate_name="xmlbuddy"/> </batch_unit> </batch_units> </batch_settings>
In order to use any certificate please add it to the XML ValidatorBuddy desktop application using the Options dialog and specify a name for it. The examples above are using the “xmlbuddy” test certificate specified by the following attribute: certificate_name=”xmlbuddy”.